SunWorks is a solar photovoltaic (PV) Design, installation and maintenance company based in Jersey. They are pleased to announce that Tom Bullock, a student Studying Aerospace Engineering at the University of Nottingham joined the team for three weeks in July 2022. Tom experienced all aspects of the business from surveying properties, to designing PV systems and then assisting the wider team to install solar panels on roofs.
Tom impressed everyone at SunWorks, thus the team enjoyed having him onboard. Inquisitive, practical, and easy-going are all great attributes to be a part of the SunWorks team. Being a team player encourages students to work hard, have honest communication, and enables highly professional jobs to be finished in a timely manner with all safety measures adhered to. One key strength Tom had was being inquisitive and asking plenty of questions, although he was never far from already knowing the answers.
SunWorks continually work on Solar in all different aspects; off-grid, residential and commercial, no day is ever the same! Therefore, SunWorks bursary scheme is a great starter for students who are considering a career in renewable energy and the only of its kind on the island at present. On top of the work experience, the bursary student is eligible to receive £1,500 upon completion along with business references and an excellent addition to a CV. SunWorks will be running the Bursary again in 2023 and welcome applicants to start applying from January 2023.